Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A To-Do List That Reduces Stress

Original post date February 11, 2013 - Today I read a post that contains a perfect prescription for reducing stress (which then reduces pain, fear, anxiety, etc.)

"My To-Do List for Today:
- Count my blessings
- Practice kindness
- Let go of what I can't control
- Listen to my heart
- Be productive yet calm
- Just breathe"

Which of these speak to you?

Each of these items can make a significant difference in the level of harmful stress that you feel. I try to find something, even something small, every day for which to be grateful. I try to be kind to others, but often have to remember to be kind to myself. Letting go of what I cannot control is a continuing life lesson. However, each tiny step I take to include these in my life each day chips away at the level of stress I feel and reduces the damage that continued stress does to my body.

I've put this on my computer as my wallpaper to have a regular reminder of this to-do list. How will you strive to remember one or more of these each day?

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