Sleep and chronic conditions
Sleep problems affect chronic pain, stress and many illnesses in a wide variety of ways. Our bodies and minds do not have a chance to heal, process, and rejuvenate. In some cases, you can mimic the affects of many of the chronic illnesses by sleep deprivation. It is vital to so many systems to have an appropriate amount of sleep. We often find ourselves giving into several myths about sleep, though, and can get into a cycle of negative self-talk, which makes it even more difficult to get sleep. The article linked below takes a quick look at four common myths about sleep. Do any of these sound familiar?
I know that I have had a variety of issues surrounding sleep since I was very young. Over the years, I have tried many things, primarily to fall asleep quicker. As I've gotten older (ha!), I find that waking during the night has become more of a problem. With a combination of melatonin, a homeopathic combination remedy for menopause (it addresses a number of issues surrounding sleep, not just menopausal issues), and switching some of my vitamins to night and some to the day, I can usually get a decent night's sleep.
What sorts of things have you tried to fall asleep?
#sleep #stress #pain
4 Common Sleep Myths
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